Internal Investigations

After Allegations

Workplace Misconduct Investigations: After Allegations of Workplace Misconduct

Mintz Group helps clients look internally when allegations arise of various kinds misconduct on the job.

Experience Investigating Misconduct Allegations

Our internal-investigation expertise goes back decades, as indicated by Jim Mintz’s Wall Street Journal column of 1997 — “Harassment 101: How to Handle Complaints.”

Our workplace investigations are most often in response to allegations of:

  • Sexual Misconduct
  • Harassment
  • Disloyal departing employees
  • Leaks & information thefts
  • Kickbacks from vendors
  • Discrimination / wrongful termination

Global Presence and Local Understanding

Working from 12 offices in 7 timezones, our multi-lingual team can extend the reach of a legal or compliance team in any language, geography and industry. Our investigators understand the local culture and business environment from their own experience in the countries where we work, and are trained in conducting detailed and ethical interviews.

Our work often begins online and ends in-country. Even in difficult jurisdictions and obscure languages, we approach knowledgable people, gather documentary evidence, and conduct forensic accounting and computer examinations cost-effectively.

We are accustomed to working quickly when allegations arise, so that in-house and outside counsel can make informed decisions, such as, filing a lawsuit, firing an employee or informing a regulator. Our investigations may also clear up allegations and indicate that no wrongdoing has occurred.

Harassment 101

Read Mintz Group Founder and CEO Jim Mintz’ Wall Street Journal editorial on how to handle complaints of sexual harassment in the workplace.

Jim Mintz on #MeToo Considerations for Companies

Jim Mintz speaks about the effects of #MeToo on diligencing prospective hires and deals.

The AWI Journal, the official publication of the Association of Workplace Investigators, published our article entitled “Sleuthing Out Potential Harassers Before They’re Hired” in its September 2019 publication. 

Talk to one of our specialists

Kelsey Froehlich
Partner and Practice Head of IP
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