Background Checking

Before Relationships

Social Responsibility Controversies: Corporate Social Responsibility

We gather the relevant facts before controversies can erupt.

Corporate Social Responsibility Investigations

We are committed to helping our clients meet global standards of social responsibility, and we endeavor to adhere to those standards ourselves. Since our firm was founded in 1994, we’ve built a reputation for strong ethics and transparent methods, which CSR investigations demand. Our work is legally admissible in court, with findings sourced and documented.

Socially Responsible Partner

Our 280 investigators in 12 offices speak 30 languages, and are “boots on the ground” that enable us to dig deeply – from presidential palaces to remote oil rigs – into supply chains, labor conditions, environmental impacts, possible sanctions violations and suspected corruption abuses.

And the work we do for clients on Corporate Social Responsibility continually tunes us up on our own obligations to adhere to those standards ourselves. Corporations deserve social-responsibility partners who are themselves responsible.

Talk to one of our specialists

Kelsey Froehlich
Partner and Practice Head of IP
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Jack Mullan
Partner / Head of Asia
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