
November 16, 2022

AVCJ ESG Forum in Singapore

Co-hosted by AVCJ and the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the 8th annual AVCJ ESG Forum provides a platform for industry practitioners in the region to gather and share how they are implementing and reporting ESG and how they are overcoming practical challenges in order to put ESG in the forefront of their investments.

The event features a panel including Mintz Group’s Chief Legal Officer (15:45 – 16:30 SGT) on subject of ESG as a value creator: From people to governance.

The forum brings together over 650 industry leaders with the aim to provide attendees with in-depth analysis of the latest trends, activity and regulations affecting ESG integration and to foster dialogue and debate between LPs, GPs and the companies they invest in.

Find out more here: https://community.ionanalytics.com/avcj-esg-2022/agenda

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