Alina Mogilyanskaya

Managing Director

New York

Alina Mogilyanskaya is Managing Director in the New York office, where she specializes in managing complex investigations for litigators and in-house counsel.  Since joining the firm in 2016, Alina has overseen and investigated hundreds of matters involving issues of fraud, false advertising, defamation, workplace and sexual misconduct, and asset tracing and recovery, among others.  She has gathered evidence in a wide range of high-profile disputes and is an expert in finding and interviewing witnesses.  She also has significant experience in managing pre-hire and pre-transactional due-diligence investigations.

Alina leads the Mintz Group’s pro bono practice, managing public-interest investigations for law firms and nonprofits. 

Prior to joining the Mintz Group, Alina was a newspaper reporter and editor in New York.  She holds a B.A. from Harvard College.

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