
March 18, 2021

Webinar Thursday March 18, 2020: Cryptocurrency Investigations: Finding Weak Points in the Cryptographic Armor

Sean Anderson will be speaking at the 33rd ICC-FraudNet International Conference about Fraud and Asset Recovery in a Cryptocurrency World.  Sean will present in two sessions: 

  • Cryptocurrency Investigations: Finding Weak Points in the Cryptographic Armor
    Thursday, March 18th, 2pm GMT/10am EST
    While investigating fraud or asset tracing in the cryptocurrency space can be a challenge, blockchains provide investigators and attorneys with a number of footholds that can help identify fraudsters or litigation opponents.  Sean will walk you through a cryptocurrency investigator’s toolkit and outline a number of techniques to guide your strategy when confronting a fraudster who is hiding behind cryptocurrencies.
  • How we can help: A Practical Guide
    Thursday, March 18th, 3 pm GMT/11am EST. 

For FraudNet Members: Download the program pdf here.

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